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15 Signs Your Guardian Angels Are Near

15 Signs Your Guardian Angels Are Near

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1st Peter 4:10


15 Signs Your Guardian Angels Are Near

We all have at least three guardian angels, they will have chosen to work with you from your inception, they will have guarded over your soul throughout your mothers pregnancy and at the moment of birth they step in to guide you from the realm of spirit into the physical world, which for some souls can be a frightening process, but your guardian angel will be there to gently support you. 

Because time doesn’t exist in the angelic realms they can be everywhere at once and they remain energetically connected to you throughout your life, waiting patiently by your side, whispering in your ear to guide you, leaving you little signs to show they are there, and folding you in their wings when you cry. They never leave you and you are never alone. 

They will also be the ones who will guide you back to the realms of light when it is your time to leave the physical plane behind, they will be there to walk you back there and you will instantly recognize them. Angels don’t have a physical form but they have the ability to appear to you in a form you would recognize so as you don’t feel afraid; They are actually just pure white loving energy with the purest of hearts, vibrating deep, deep unconditional love. People who have experienced being visited by their Guardian Angels have described the experience in many ways.

I personally have had experiences with my Guardian Angels that I know for certain twice in my life. When I was young maybe 12 or 13, I was crossing a major street and was struck by a pick up truck. They say my head went through the pickup’s windshield. Had no evidence of it though, just a whole in the windshield. I did have a fractured pelvic bone and was told I would never be able to have children because the bone could be put in a cast and so it would heal by the muscles wrapping around the fracture. I had 3 girls with no complications! 

But I remember laying on the ground from being hit, people around me in the distance fading in and fading out, when a woman with shoulder length brown hair came to my side and held my hand. She told me I would be okay, my mom was on her way, (I have no idea how she was contacted, no cell phones back then), the ambulance was on their way. She was so soothing and calm when everyone else around me was in chaos. 

When I finally came back to normal at the hospital I asked about the woman, where she was, and was told the only woman who was there was the woman who hit me and she never touched me. No one on the scene touched me except for  when the ambulance arrived and the paramedics were male. They had no idea what I was talking about and wondered about how the impact impacted my brain. The other experience I had was with a male Guardian Angel. They are real and here to help when you need them! 

How your guardian angel works with you 

Guardian Angels don’t all work in the same way. They seem to adapt their approach according to their personality or ours. Some angels are more hands-on than others. They like to make it clear that they are with us. Some are gentle and prefer to stand back and wait to be invited in. But they are always around us, they are energetically linked to us so they know immediately if we are in danger or when we are sad, and they celebrate with us when we are happy. At great moments in our lives it is said that the angels come together as a magnificent choir with golden trumpets and they sing to us. I feel that this happens particularly at the birth of a child. Most angels use signs to show that they are with us. It’s hard for them to manifest fully into our dimension. Their world is so different from ours. Our human eyes find it almost impossible to see them, so they use other means of communicating their presence.

1 White feathers

This is the most common sign that angels are around us and the most widely reported, the feathers can appear in the most unusual and unlikely of places and usually turn up when we are going through distressing situations or left for us just to reassure us that they are there. I had seen these a lot after my father passed, almost daily.

2 Messages 

Angels have many ways they can communicate messages to us if they want us to be aware of something. Sometimes this is in the form of a piece of music which you keep hearing in the car or in the bar, and sometimes they can even use the power of modern technology to let you know you need to listen to it, you have to work out why you need to listen to it. Quite frequently I wake up to a song in my head. The one that stands out the most is when I recently had a friend die. I went to bed asking Jesus and the angels how she was doing, if she was okay, was she happy, etc. I woke up the next morning with the lyrics of Trampoline by Shaed “I’ve never felt so loved”  (I didn’t know the song and I had to research it.) Another round of tears came pouring out of me and I felt love wash over me. There is no way to express the love felt by the Divine, it’s so powerful and can bring you to your knees. No human could ever match it.

Here are some more common and maybe uncommon signs that your guardian angels are more prominent than usual in your daily lives. 

3 Scent-perfume/cologne a passed down loved one wore, your favorite flower and it’s not in season, etc 

4 Shapes in the Clouds

5 Babies and Pets can see them

6 Coins- Pennies

7 Sparkles of Light- colors of light, beams of light, Angels are beings of light. 

8 Rainbows- fun fact, not everyone can see them! 

9 Temperature changes in the room- warm to cold

10 Your able to “feel” them- feel their presence around you

11 Billboard signs, ads on TV, magazines- someone saying “Oh I just heard that or someone just said that!” 

12 Voices- hearing whispers or words and thoughts splash across your mind

13 Numbers- Very well known- Repeating numbers- Look them up. Messages are there for you

14 Animals Cardinal Bird, Butterflies (not only meaning of transformation), Rabbits- ancestors, loved ones coming into your vibration

15 Dreams 

When experiencing any of these signs repeatedly ask them:

What are you bringing me?

What are you trying to tell me? 

Really think about it. The answer will come and the first answer is always the right answer, don’t doubt! Make sure to thank them! 

The message I’m trying to make to you is that your Guardian Angels whisper gently in your ear, nudging you to make choices for your higher good and to hold your hand while you take a brave step that can sometimes feel like the hardest step to make. They will not let you fall, trust, have faith.

Much Love, 

Awaken the Oracle