Capricorn January 19th Birthday Angel Messages

The positive energies you have been sending out are now being returned in kind, and you are being well-blessed by the Universe. Your angels prompt you to keep your thoughts and aspirations high and expect to see success on all levels. Focus upon your life path and soul mission and your personal spirituality will grow and flourish. Listen to the promptings of your soul and be grateful for wonderful blessings in your life.

A phase or situation in your life is coming to an end or that your goals have almost come to completion. Remember that as one door closes another is opening so remain positive throughout these transitions and look forward to wonderful new beginnings and auspicious opportunities. These new opportunities will prove to enhance your life and that of others.

Self-help is often the best remedy, and your angels love and support you in your quest to help yourself (and others) lead happier and healthier lives. Have a positive and optimistic attitude about your life purpose and soul mission. Know that your destiny is yours to fulfill and the angels give you guidance and support along the way. You are encouraged to shed love and light on humanity.

If you have the urge to begin a new career which entails serving humanity, your angels may bring a message to begin a spiritually-based practice and/or profession. Trust that all you need will be provided by the angels and Universal Energies in Divine right time, and often in the most miraculous ways.



#Capricorn #AngelMessages #AwakentheOracle

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