Sagittarius November 30th Birthday Angel Messages

Some upheavals may take place and/or obstacles may be appearing in your life. The overcoming of these obstacles or challenges will break new ground for you and will bring about new opportunities for growth and expansion of your inner-self and personal spiritually. Your angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully.

This can often be seen as a ‘blessing in disguise.

There is a call to attention, and your angels remind you that ‘everything happens for a reason’. Listen to the messages of your inner-guidance and intuition, and look out for signs and/or directions from your angels. The promptings of your angels and your inner-wisdom will ensure that you take the most appropriate and right action at the right Divine time.

The energies and vibrations you project outwards are reflected back to you. Your angels and the Ascended Masters encourage you to keep your focus on your heart-center and upon serving your Divine life path and purpose. Maintain a positive attitude in order to manifest your wants and needs, and remain aware that your angels and the Ascended Masters surround you, encouraging positive energies around you.

Your birthday also relates to self-expression and personal freedom.



#Sagittarius #AngelMessages #AwakentheOracle

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