Scorpio October 30th Birthday Angel Messages

Some upheavals may take place and/or obstacles may appear in your life and this is taking place for karmic reasons that will become obvious to you in a short time. It will break ground for you and will bring about new opportunities for you to grow and expand your personal spiritually. Your angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully and trust that all will work out for your highest good.

Your angels and Ascended Masters are working with you on your thought processes to enable you to make the highest and wisest choices and are sending you positive energy to keep you from feeling discouraged. Stay focused on the true goals of your soul so that you are able to succeed with your soul purpose and general life.

They wish to remind you that ‘everything happens for a reason’. Listen to the messages of your inner-guidance and intuition, and be aware of signs and/or directions from your angels, spirit guides and Masters. The promptings of your angels and your inner-wisdom will ensure that you take the most appropriate and right action. With hindsight, this  can often be seen as a ‘blessing in disguise.



#Scorpio #AngelMessages #AwakentheOracle

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