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Aries April 19th Birthday Angel Messages

Aries April 19th Birthday Angel Messages


Listen to your intuition and to the guidance from the angels in regards to the next steps along your spiritual path. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time, and your soul is urging you to shine your light to illuminate the way for others to follow. The angels encourage and support you along your path.

You are to use your natural lightworking talents, skills and interests to help the world awaken and heal. Your positive love and light is much needed at this time and your angels encourage you to follow through with your goals and aspirations to do with your spiritual path and life purpose.

Your ideal employment or income-earning venture or opportunity will present itself in Divine right time. Stay alert to the signs and guidance given through your dreams, thoughts, intuition and feelings  -  then take positive action.

There is a natural rhythm and flow to life. Things come and go, and when something goes it makes room for something new and better.


Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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