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Libra October 17th Birthday Angel Messages

Libra October 17th Birthday Angel Messages

You are on the right path on your life’s journey and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path. Listen to your intuition and higher-self and take appropriate action as only you can serve your soul purpose and fulfill your destiny. The angels encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and use positive affirmations in order to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations. 

You are heading in the right direction in your life, and this has been achieved through your positive affirmations, intentions, visualizations, expectations and actions. You have managed to steer your life in a very positive direction and have good reason to feel optimistic and happy with yourself as you have achieved great personal success. When you expect great things, great things happen.

Look for ways to expand your spiritual awareness and personal growth, and use your knowledge and inner-wisdom to enhance your own life and that of others. Expand and broaden your perception through self-awareness and practice and follow your natural interests and intuition. 

Finally they want you to know that it is time to begin a spiritually-based practice, career and or profession, or heart-based service or project. Universal Energies will ensure that all that you require will be provided for you, and you are to trust your own skills, abilities and inner-wisdom. Use your talents to serve humanity and bring illumination to those who seek it.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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