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Sagittarius December 21st Birthday Angel Messages

Sagittarius December 21st Birthday Angel Messages


Maintain a positive attitude in regards to a current situation or issue in your life. Remain positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest your desired results. Trust that you are lovingly supported and surrounded by your angels who are offering constant guidance and assistance.

Stay positive and maintain faith and trust in your angels and the Universal Energies as your feelings, beliefs and thoughts will manifest into your reality. Keep your focus on your desires, positive expectations and outcomes, and that is what you will receive in return.  Release and let go of all negativity and give any fears or doubts to your angels for transmutation and healing.   

Be grateful for all the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come. When you express an ‘attitude of gratitude’ you manifest even more blessings.  Your angels ask you to follow your Divine life path with passion and purpose.

Your reality is what you make it.



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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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