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Virgo September 6th Birthday Angel Messages

Virgo September 6th Birthday Angel Messages

Something in your life is about to leave to be replaced with something better and more suited. Be open to receiving new possessions that may exceed your expectations as you are ready for an upgrade and a make-over, and you deserve the very best. 

The time has come to detach from material items and possessions; particularly if you have an obsession or ‘need’ to own them/it. Detach from ego and materialism and let go of the ‘old’.

Take the time to reflect upon the actions and steps you have taken and appreciate your achievements and learning experiences. When it is time to let go of situations that no longer positively serve you, walk away grateful for the experience and lessons learned and be eager and optimistic about what is to come next in your life. Surrender to the flow of the Universe and accept positive changes taking place in all areas of your life.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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