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Gemini May 21st Birthday Angel Messages

Gemini May 21st Birthday Angel Messages

Keep your faith and trust strong, and expect the very best in your life. Maintaining a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook will manifest auspicious circumstances and opportunities in your life. You are encouraged to elevate your thoughts, ideals and expectations as this will manifest and create wonderful new opportunities and experiences in your life. Expect the best, and you will receive it.

The life changes you are contemplating or experiencing are for your highest good and will be of long-term benefit to you. These changes are positive and in-line with your Divine life path and purpose. Trust that your angels are with you and are available for guidance and assistance anytime you ask.

Check how you truly feel about situations or circumstances in your life and use them as a guide to your next steps. If things feel right, then they are right. But, if things feel uncomfortable to you, change the situation. Doubt = Don’t.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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