Leo August 1st Birthday Angel Messages

Important life changes are around you and endings and conclusions are in the offing, with fresh new beginnings ahead. Surrender and release the ‘old’ as you manifest more suited situations and circumstances. Trust that ‘better’ is about to enter your life.

If there are aspects of your life that are not flowing as you would like, changes are ahead of you that will bring about free-flow and healing, bringing many benefits to your life and lifestyle choices.

Every situation in your life is a response to what you are giving out. Each and every event is drawn to you by what you give out, be it positive or negative. Every thought, feeling and belief contributes to what you create, and you are responsible for having manifested it into your life. Nothing happens by chance.

Keep your thoughts, mind-set and attitude positive and upbeat, and focus on your earnest wants and needs as your thoughts are manifesting into reality very quickly at this time. Trust that your positive affirmations and prayers have been heard and wonderful things are being manifested for you and by you. Remember to be grateful for your blessings.



#Leo #AngelMessages #AwakentheOracle

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