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Leo August 4th Birthday Angel Messages

Leo August 4th Birthday Angel Messages


An important cycle or phase in your life is about to end and something you have been working on or towards will come to completion. Your angels assure you that these changes are necessary and will usher in new opportunities and situations that will be better suited to your wants and needs and your life purpose and soul mission. This may be in relation to your career and/or income earning capacities.

The angels are helping you with your finances and with manifesting abundance and prosperity. Call upon the ‘angels of abundance’ for guidance and support. Work well done in the past is bringing you rewards today and into the future.

Stay positive, productive and powerful within yourself. If you have been feeling stagnant and unable to move in a positive direction, find inner-joy, get moving, get creative, express yourself, and use them to propel you into a new phase of productivity. Take the vision you have for yourself and your life and project your vision into your future.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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