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Libra October 21st Birthday Angel Messages

Libra October 21st Birthday Angel Messages

Avoid being constrained by habitual behaviors that need to be altered. Be positive when approaching new experiences because they will lead to positive outcomes and fortunate chances. It also enables you to replace the "old" with the "new," which aids in accomplishing your objectives and desires.

They bring a message to stay positive and maintain faith and trust in your angels and the Universal Energies as your feelings, beliefs and thoughts will manifest into your reality. Keep your focus on your desires and have positive expectations, and that is what you will receive in return. Let go of any fears, doubts and worries and find joy in life in every experience and interaction.

Your angels wish to ensure that what you put out to the Universe is of a positive nature. Stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Be a courier of peace, love and joy.

Lastly they are telling you to look for new and different ways to enhance and beautify your home, garden and surroundings. Use simple Feng Shui principles to usher in positive energies and to maintain balance and harmony within the home, and spend time in nature and allow it to bring healing, joy and peace to your life.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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