Libra September 23rd Birthday Angel Messages

You are ready and well prepared to take on your life purpose with passion and effort, with faith and trust that the angels and Ascended Masters support and encourage you in your lightworking endeavors. Give any fears or concerns to the angels for healing and get on with serving your soul purpose.

Use your inner creativity (in whatever form resonates with your soul), express yourself and connect to your higher-self. Do not disregard your natural creativity as you have your own unique gifts and talents that are to be shared with others. Bring out your special abilities and let them shine. Tap into your natural creative forces and connect with your intuitive voice to bring further inspiration to your life.

Trust the guidance from the angels in all aspects to do with your life mission and to keep up your wonderful lightwork as you are helping others by shining your love and light on the world.

Your confidence and self-esteem are being boosted and your faith and trust encouraged by the angels and Ascended Masters and the Universal Energies. Use your natural talents, creativity and optimism to enlighten others. 



#Libra #AngelMessages #AwakentheOracle

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