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Pisces March 14th Birthday Angel Messages

Pisces March 14th Birthday Angel Messages


Your angels and the Ascended Masters are sending you guidance through your thoughts, ideas and intuition. Listen to these messages and take positive action as directed.

Put consideration and proper planning into your next steps and look at all of your options before stepping forward or making any lasting or long-term commitments or life changes. Listen to your intuition (your internal radar) and only choose those that resonate with your soul. Work on building your self-esteem and your own inner-knowing, rather than looking outside of yourself for answers and approval from others. Have the courage to step towards the realization of your dreams, knowing that you have all the skills, talents and abilities within you to achieve your goals. Have the courage to make your life the way you wish it to be ... it is totally up to you.

Go within and connect with your inner-intelligence and higher-self. You are a powerful being and you know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself. Use your natural communication skills and joyful disposition to uplift others.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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