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Pisces March 8th Birthday Angel Messages

Pisces March 8th Birthday Angel Messages


Stand tall in your own power and believe in your own extraordinary strengths and unique talents. You will be amazed at what you can do and achieve. Believe in yourself and open up and allow the flow of positive abundance into your life (by way of money, time, energy or in whatever form you require) and know that well-earned rewards and blessings of all kinds are headed your way. Know that you will find success in all that you put your mind and efforts towards.

Your connection with the angelic and spiritual realm, as well as your positive actions, prayers and positive affirmations, have opened you up to the flow of infinite abundance. Be grateful for your blessings and share them lovingly with others.

You are in-line for prosperity and abundance in your life. Be open to receiving your dues and be grateful and appreciative of your blessings. You are reminded that as with the law of ‘giving and receiving’ (Cause and Effect – the Spiritual Law of Karma), when you have plenty, you have plenty to share with others. 

Reveal your power to yourself and others in ways that enhance your relationships, self-esteem and confidence, and your life in general. Stretch what you are capable of in regards to compassion and loving kindness, and offer grace to others through mercy, forgiveness, kindness and unconditional love. Open your heart to others as the more love and grace you offer, the more you receive.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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