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Taurus April 23rd Birthday Angel Messages

Taurus April 23rd Anel Messages



You are to find a balance between your work, leisure and rest times. Relaxing and taking the time to meditate and connect and communicate with the angels helps you to manifest your desired results and outcomes. Your hard work and efforts in regards to serving your life purpose will reap many long-term benefits and rewards. Trust that you are on the right path and your angels encourage and support you in your efforts. Keep up the good work to continue to manifest your ‘good’, and stay open to angelic guidance.

You may have to put some hard work and effort towards a new project, venture or important life-change, and these will be of long-term benefit to yourself and your loved ones. Trust that the work and effort you have put in towards achieving your goals and aspirations will be well worth your while and you will find long-term success and personal fulfillment. Use your communication skills to aid and assist others in whatever way resonates with your soul.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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