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Taurus April 24th Birthday Angel Message

Taurus April 24th Angel Messages



The angels are helping to keep your faith and resolve strong and your thoughts positive and optimistic. You have a lot of work to do and your angels encourage you to put your efforts towards serving your soul mission. Give any fears and/or anxieties to the angels for healing and ask for guidance whenever you feel the need. Know that your angels encourage your success and happiness and support you along your path.

Consider all of your options and weigh up what is truly important to you, and what is not. Do not waste your time and efforts on activities or people that do not support you or bring you joy, but rather, choose to spend your time doing things and spending your time and efforts on things (and people) that suit your true self and that resonate with you on an inner-level.

If you are considering beginning or expanding a spiritually-based career or practice, or service-based venture or project, you may need to put in some hard work and dedication, but you will find long-term rewards and benefits for yourself and for those whom you serve. Trust your intuition and you will know which path to take. 


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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