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Taurus April 30th Birthday Angel Messages

Taurus April 30th Birthday Angel Messages



You are being fully supported in all ways in your life. The work and efforts you have put towards being conscientious and earnest in your life has manifested a steady supply of abundance to sustain and maintain you along your path. The angels applaud and commend you for your efforts and encourage you to continue with enthusiasm, confidence and faith.

Use positive affirmations and keep a positive attitude about your life and destiny, and maintain a strong connection with the angels to ensure continued abundance, prosperity and guidance. Take notice of the strong, repetitive impressions that come to you through your feelings, thoughts and visions as these are direct messages. Pay close attention to your dreams as they are sending you many amazing messages, but only if you are open enough to interpret and understand them.

Be the architect of your own life and build its foundations on solid ground. Choose what you wish to fill your life with and take action to make it so.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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