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Virgo September 13th Birthday Angel Messages

Virgo September 13th Birthday Angel Message

The angels and Ascended Masters are wanting you to know that you have successfully manifested new opportunities that will advance you along your spiritual path and life mission. Be optimistic and enthusiastic about what is to come into your life as it will be to your utmost advantage. Know that you are fully supported and guided by the angels each step of the way.

You are especially gifted in many ways and have wonderful creative abilities and communication skills. With your strong inner-wisdom and ability to see things in a special and/or different light, you are able to find creative ways to achieve and manifest your highest goals and aspirations. Do things that make you feel creative, joyful and loving, as by doing so you open yourself up to receive more positive experiences.

Look at your life in a completely different light at this time as the angels are bringing you clarity to see the things that no longer positively serve you. Whether it be a relationship, a friendship or association, or a pattern or habit in your life, or maybe even your career path, job or business, you are encouraged to do things differently and eliminate those things in your life that no longer positively serve you and your highest good.


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Much Love,

Awaken the Oracle

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